H.264 vs H.265 , What’s the difference?
Before you can compare the two video formats, it’s important to note the trend. We live in a world of ever-improving video compression. H.264 is referred to as AVC (advanced video compression), technically an improved subset (part 10) of MPEG4. It is to no surprise that we are yet again faced with a new standard “HEVC” or H.265.
Why you should choose H.265 vs H.264
- Requires only half the bit rate for video transmission than its predecessor
- Higher compression rate makes it more more efficient
- Viewers will enjoy a better video quality
- Can transport more video/data
- Is still an open format and is very flexible
What are the concerns?
History has shown that while new standards are innately developed to be superior to the previous standards, the real life improvements are not as exaggerated as they appear in theory. This is why early adopters are warned about the lack of maturity in the technology’s real world application and compatibility.
Finding the answer to the above question is easy. What’s more difficult is finding the answers to properly implementing an entire video networking system for your specific application. Luckily, you have VidOvation to lean on. We offer whitepapers, online seminars, how-to’s, tutorials, guides, cheat-sheets, data-sheets, and more on the vast topic of video transportation. Feel free to cruise around our website for information or call/email us for more information.The link below will take you to our page of educational resources.
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