


Accelerated Simultaneous File Transfer & Transcoding – VidOvation Blog

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Brevity is a breakthrough software product that changes the way today’s bandwidth-intensive video content is produced,stored and shared in media workflows.
It enables you to move files to their destination at industry leading speeds from the convenience of a highly intuitive control panel. Using it’s patented technology,
Brevity reduces the transport payload while simultaneously transcoding files sent to multiple locations in a variety of encoded formats.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. How are you currently sending or receiving your content/video files? In most media workflows, people have accustomed to tedious step-wise processes, flawed by nature of the underlying technology and further worsened by users having to co-operate with it.
  1. What is an example of a typical video workflow? Your typical media workflow is not only dependent on your unique business, but also on the technology that supports it. You may discover that there are workflow improvements to be had in the platform you use such as the time it takes for files to transfer, sending to multiple destinations at once, or having a more user friendly system that remembers your ideal encoding formats.
  1. What are the main pain points of your current video workflows?
    What’s really bugging you and your team? Are
  1. How much content are you sending/receiving each day?
  2. Where/who are you typically receiving your content from?
  3. Where/who are you typically sending your content to?

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