


Haivision – Makito X with Storage


Record up to 5 days at 5Mb/s or 30 hours at 20Mb/s

With 250GB (expandable up to 1TB) of either fixed or removable storage, the Makito X with Storage can record up to 5 days at 5Mb/s or 30 hours at 20Mb/s.

Removable storage is powered by industry standard 2.5” SATA SSD drives, giving you the option to quickly remove a drive once full, and allowing for content backups regardless of how close you are to your main storage/server facility.


Encoding that adapts to your network conditions

Makito X offers advanced technology called network adaptive encoding that can adjust video bitrate based on your network conditions, helping ensure that your video stream never fails, even when encountering significant bandwidth fluctuations. When network adaptive encoding is enabled, the Makito X encoder detects if your bandwidth is choked and automatically lowers the video bitrate to provide the best quality stream for the given network conditions. As bandwidth returns to the expected level, the Makito X dynamically adjusts the encoded video bitrate back up to the specified setting.

Leveraging the power and intelligence of the SRT protocol, the Makito X encoder, with network adaptive encoding, lets you stream from any location over any network, with the peace of mind that your video will continue performing no matter what happens.


Maintain KLV source metadata

The Makito X with Storage is built with multiple encoding cores, allowing you to stream live video at low bitrates while recording up to two high quality streams directly onto the encoder and maintaining KLV metadata in the TS file format.

The Makito X with Storage is the perfect encoder for situations where bandwidth availability is limited and keeping a high quality master for further review, archiving or post production workflows is necessary. Both .ts and .mp4 files are supported.


Control with web UI, command line, or API

The Makito X with Storage can be programmed and controlled remotely through command line, web UI, and SNMP APIs. You can set a time or size limit on the recording segments allowing for easier management of your video files.

Simply upload your video from the Makito X with Storage to a USB, SD Card, AVIWEST Video CloudAVIWEST Media Platform, FTP, or NFS.