Live Link allows users to render web pages directly into the TriCaster and pull any web page elements into production without the need for a 3rd party application. From graphics or images on a web page to videos from your organization’s internal training platforms – Live Link offers the ultimate in production agility and freedom. Available now on all current TriCasters – ensure you have the very latest update to take advantage of this exciting new feature.
TriCaster TC410 Plus enables producers to create high-end video smoother, faster, and easier. With only 2RU of rack space in a flight-pack or tight space, you gain the freedom of movement that’s just not possible with racks of individual components pieced together. With an all-in-one design, do-it-yourself setup, and hundreds of entry-level and advanced production capabilities, you can be on your way to building captivating productions from anywhere simply and efficiently.
LivePanel™ for TriCaster TC410 Plus and TC1, makes it easier for more people to have control of the live production process. Providing the ability to configure a custom user interface that delivers exactly the tools and functions you need, accessible through any Web browser or operating system.